Our Philosophy
At Mountain Lotus we are committed to giving back to the community, while providing a welcoming, inclusive, and environmentally-friendly space for all.
Environmental Footprint
In our business operations, the guiding principle always is choosing the greener option.
Solar Panels - Outfitted with a 2000 Watt solar panel system outside and efficient far-infrared heating panels inside, our Truckee studio’s heated classes are capable of net-zero carbon footprint on sunny days.
Cleaning Products – We exclusively use eco-friendly cleaning products and our studios are outfitted with water-saving toilets and showers.
Branded Clothing – All of our Mountain Lotus branded items are sustainably sourced, and made from fair trade organic cotton and hemp, consciously manufactured and printed in the USA.
In the warmer summers, we project our Truckee studio will have a net-negative energy output, feeding our community with unused energy from our solar panels.
Community Impact
Mountain Lotus Yoga aspires to add to and expand the sense of community and local resourcefulness in North Tahoe and Truckee.
Location - Both locations are in town centers where walking and biking is the best way to get around.
Take the Train - At our Truckee location, you can catch the train from out of town and walk to the studio, all without using a car.
Local Craftsmen - In both our Truckee and Tahoe City studios, the desks and retail areas are works of art, created by local craftsmen Seth Harrison and Steven Kirk.
Local Artists - In both studios we display artwork from local artists
Our outdoor signage in Tahoe City was created by local artist Steven Kirk.
Washoe Land Acknowledgement
Mountain Lotus Yoga Acknowledges
That we are on the original homelands of the Waši:šiw “Washoe people from here”.
That a history of colonialism has removed the original people from these lands.
That Truckee lies within the center of Wèlmelti’ ‘Northern band of Washiw Territories’.
That ‘À:wakhu Wàt’a, ‘Truckee River’ was a well established key fishery for Waši:šiw.
That the town of Truckee is located on Dabayò:duwe’ Dit’éyi, an original Washoe Village site.
Wàshiw Zulshish Gum T’anu ‘Washoe Warrior Society’ and Mountain Lotus Center and associates are working together to stop the cycle of discrimination and dispossession resulting from a history of colonialism towards native communities and cultures.
Join Mountain Lotus & WZGT in raising funds for a new Washiw T'anu 'Angal
The Washoe Peoples’ House
WZGT is currently seeking funding to build Washiw T'anu 'Angal (The People's House) on traditional Washiw homelands at or around Da'aw'a:ga'a 'Lake Tahoe'. Washiw T'anu 'Angal will be a place to gather, talk Washiw, conduct ceremonies, pray and remember the values that our ancestors held as the original stewards of the land. It will serve as a symbol of unity and solidarity within the Washiw community and extend to the larger surrounding community as we grow together as stewards of this land. Washiw T'anu 'Angal will symbolize the healing of the land, the water and the Washishiw-'all the people'.
For more information on how you can help contact WZGTmail@gmail.com
Stewards of Lake Tahoe
The magic of North Lake Tahoe lies in the culture of our communities as well as its natural beauty.
That’s why we have committed to sharing a collection of six travel promises and kindly ask those spending time in the region to take the Traveler Responsibility Pledge. It’s a simple promise to preserve the natural wonders we all love for future generations to enjoy.
Help Keep Tahoe Blue. Whether you have 15 minutes or 4 hours, commit to getting involved and making a difference. The Tahoe Blue Crews volunteer program empowers and supports community members to conduct cleanup efforts at streams, beaches and trails around the region that are litter hotspots.
Learn how to join in the effort here.
Scott Fitzmorris
Owner and Creator
Scott Fitzmorris spent 8 years from 1999 to 2007 competing as a free style & mogul competitor at Palisades Tahoe. His career took him to achieve 4th place in Nations competing for a place on the US Team for the 2004 World Olympics. Today, Scott is recovering back and knee injuries with a consistent yoga practice and believes that yoga can help everyone. With this modest impact to the culture of downtown, he hopes to spread this message and improve mobility and quality of life for all.
“The best investment to make in all the world - is in community.” – Scott Fitzmorris